3rd stage– Vrani Mountains
The last stage of MTB Trilogy combines characters of both previous stages. So bikers can look forward to long trails along Czech-Poland borderline and sand blocks and rocks along the trails. Riding skills will be check with gravel downhills. There is an amazing view on the Giant Mountains panorama (with the highest mountain in Czech - Snezka) after long uphill on the highest point of the stage – Kralovecky Spicak (881 m n.m.). The highlight of the stage is renowned and feared downhill from Jansky hill. The trail leads on the edge of rock (with Keltic menhir) and ends by very steep downhill with dust surface.

3rd stage – Vrani Mountains parameters:
Distance: 77 km / 60 km
Ascend: 2 517 m / 1 813 m
The highest point: Kralovecky Spicak 881 m n. m. / Mrowiniec 817 m n. m.
The lowest point: 441 m n. m./ 439 m n. m.
Count of special enduro tests: 10
Ratio trails / asphalt: